3 Major Reasons Why DIY AC Servicing Is a Bad Idea

May 22, 2023

AC running costs can sometimes get really expensive, a reason that could make many homeowners turn to do-it-yourself air conditioning servicing projects to save some money. However, you should never attempt DIY AC repair or maintenance. In this case, the risks tend to be more than the rewards. The following are some reasons why DIY AC servicing is risky. 1. Warranty Voiding A professionally installed air conditioner comes with a warranty. A warranty covers many components of the unit at very little or no cost to you. However, most AC manufacturers will void warranties if they find out the unit...

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Is Your Ductwork in Need of Attention?

April 24, 2023

Central air can help keep your home at a comfortable, uniform temperature, but along with comfort and convenience can come issues. Central air relies on ductwork, and sometimes, that ductwork can get compromised. Keep reading to learn about some of the common signs of bad ductwork. Signs and Symptoms If you’ve noticed that some rooms in your home are much hotter or colder than other ones, there may be something going on with your ducts. The ducts may have leaks, or they may not be the right size. Either of these situations would impede your HVAC system’s ability to keep...

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Factors Affecting the Cost of a New HVAC System

March 16, 2023

A new HVAC system is a major investment that can significantly improve the comfort of your home. Whether you are replacing an old system or installing an HVAC system for the first time, there are several factors that can affect the cost of a new HVAC system. Type of System You have several options when it comes to choosing a new HVAC system, and each type of system comes at a different cost. For instance, a central air conditioner is typically more expensive than a window unit, and a heat pump may be pricier than a furnace. Additionally, certain brands...

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What Are The 5 Main Factors That Affect Indoor Air Quality?

February 20, 2023

The air you breathe inside your home is no less important than the air outside. In fact, the indoor air you breathe impacts your overall health and well-being in many ways. It affects the way you sleep and feel. It can also cause or exacerbate allergy symptoms and respiratory problems. That is why you must address potential sources of indoor air quality problems. Humidity Level You want to achieve the ideal humidity level when designing an interior space. You will need to use dehumidifiers and humidifiers to bring the level to a healthy one. If a room’s humidity level is...

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How can I Improve Indoor Air Quality?

January 18, 2023

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality Today! Poor indoor air quality can cause a variety of health issues from headaches to allergies. Fortunately, there are several easy steps you can take to improve the air quality in your home. Let’s explore some of the most effective strategies for freshening up the air in your living space and creating a healthier environment for you and your family. Ventilate Your Home Regularly Good ventilation is essential for good indoor air quality. Make sure that your home has an adequate supply of fresh outdoor air coming in through open windows or ventilation systems. You...

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Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality During the Winter

December 21, 2022

When temperatures in Centerville, Utah drop below freezing, it is impractical to open the windows for ventilation. Couple that with the fact that you spend more time in your home during the winter, and you can breathe air that has up to five times more pollutants than outdoors. Thankfully, there are simple steps you can take to improve your indoor air quality during the winter. Have the Batteries in Your Carbon Monoxide Detector Checked The fall is an excellent time to have your carbon monoxide detector inspected by HVAC professionals. Part of this check is ensuring that the batteries are...

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Can You Actually Save Money With a Heat Pump?

November 16, 2022

With energy prices exceptionally high right now, it’s important to do all that you can to try and save money on your heating and cooling costs in Centerville, UT. While can offer plenty of tips to help you maximize the efficiency of your current system, if you’re in the market for a new system, it’s important to do your research so that you can go with the most efficient option. Heat pumps are becoming well-known for their efficiency, but you may still wonder if they can save you any money. Check out this article to find out the truth about...

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What’s That Banging Sound My Furnace Is Making?

October 20, 2022

When the temperature falls here in Centerville, UT, homeowners start turning up their home’s heat. However, when their furnace comes on for the first time in months, it might make some odd sounds that it didn’t before. Banging sounds are some of the most common sounds a furnace might make. Diagnosing what’s causing them, though, isn’t always straightforward. Here are some of the reasons that your home’s furnace could be making a banging sound. 1. Dirty Burners One of the most common reasons a furnace makes banging sounds is dirty burners. When the furnace’s burners get dirty, they may not...

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How Do You Know It’s Time to Replace Your AC Motor?

September 14, 2022

Like any other mechanical device, AC motors have a limited life span and eventually need replacement. However, several factors can affect how long an AC motor will last, so it’s vital to recognize signs indicating your need for a replacement. Age of the Unit One of the most significant factors in determining how long an AC motor will last is the age of the unit. Generally, AC motors in newer units will last longer than those in older units. This is because manufacturers have improved AC motor technology over time, resulting in more durable and longer-lasting products. Usage Another factor...

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Is It Safe to Power Wash Your Air Conditioning Unit?

August 15, 2022

It’s a hot summer day, and your air conditioner is working overtime to keep your home cool. Suddenly, you notice that the unit is starting to look a bit dirty. Should you power wash it? Let’s dive in and find out. Why You Might Want to Power Wash Your AC Unit There are a few good reasons why you might want to power wash your air conditioner. For one, a power washer can quickly and easily remove any dirt or debris that has built up on the unit. This is important because a dirty AC unit can reduce its efficiency...

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